Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Darwinian Evolution: A Giant Leap

My first encounter with Charles Darwin and evolution occurred at an Anthropology class at Compton College in 1965.  One of the assigned readings was Darwin’s master work, “The Origin of Species.”  I still have a paperback copy of this book, the first Collier edition of 1962.  An impressive work that is now a classic of science.  After completing the book, I remained puzzled about Darwin’s claim in the book that he had preliminary evidence of evolution.  One of the main points he made in favor of evolution was the Galàpagos Finches that he studied on a trip he made there in the mid 19th century.  The birds may have different beak sizes but there was no evidence of any kind that this would lead to a different species; they remained the same kind of bird with different beak sizes; it was just speculation at best.


According to Jonathan Wells, PhD, a molecular and cell biologist, in his book “Icons of Evolution,” “Darwin claimed that single species diverge into several varieties then into several different species.  The Galàpagos finches were instrumental in helping Darwin formulate his evolution theory.”  Wells continues: “Darwin was so unimpressed by the finches that he made no effort while in the Galápagos to separate them by island, and much of the information Darwin provided turned out to be wrong. Eight of the fifteen localities he recorded are in serious doubt. Thus according to historian of science Frank Sulloway, "Darwin possessed only limited and largely erroneous conception of both the feeding habits and the geographical distribution of these birds.”  My question even back in 1965 was:  Is this all that Darwin has?  This thought remained in with me.  In the 1990s I heard other people describe reservations about Darwin’s claims and did some private investigation by reading as many books as possible on the subject.  Many are shown on the right sidebar of this blog as recommended readings. I remain unconvinced that Darwin or his followers can explain evolution satisfactorily.  


I’ve never heard of any compelling or comprehensive evidence presented by Darwinian Evolution proponents. Evolutionary scientists can talk a good talk and beat around the bush, but as the saying goes:  show me the evidence. Fancy talk will not do it.  I have not seen any.  What I see in Darwinian evolution is smoke and mirrors or arguments arbitrarily asserted without evidence.  And, according to the Principle of Reason, what is arbitrarily asserted can be arbitrarily denied (“Ten Universal Principles” Robert J. Spitzer, Ignatius Press, 2009).  Evolutionary biologists claim that the fossil record supports evolution, but the evidence they present is either missing, unconvincing or clear as mud.  Click here.


Darwin was a very competent scientist, and his work remains a classic.  Darwin made this statement about the quality of his theory: “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”  This is crucial.  Now the question is do we have proof today?  Darwin stated that the fossil record would prove his theory and that it was incomplete in his day but would be demonstrated by future research.  Has this happened?  Far from it, the fossil record is in worse shape today.  There are no fossil transitional forms to prove Darwin’s theory.  In fact, the Cambrian Explosion shows no transitional forms 150 years later.  Click herefor a short video explaining the Cambrian Explosion and why it does not prove Darwin’s theory.


Now you may ask me are you a scientist?  Have you done research on this subject?  No, I’m not a scientist but over 1,000 PhD scientists have serious doubts about Darwinian evolution.  Click here to watch this less than two-minute video about such scientists.  What I find troubling is that those on the Darwinian evolution side are hostile against anyone who disagrees with them and in many cases refuse to let them speak.  Here is where I smell a rat.  What are they afraid of?  The fact that 1,000 scientists have come out about their doubt about Darwinian evolution is significant, given that you could lose your job at a university, for example, for not being in line with Darwinian evolution. There are many examples of science teachers losing their job for having doubts about evolution.   Click here for a story about teachers fired for doubting Darwinian evolution.


Now, I know that those of you who are ardent supporters of Darwinian Evolution strongly disagree with the view I present here.  OK, fine, you have a good argument, but a deficient one.   I would not want to silence you.  I would want to discuss both of our views openly and without fear of retribution.    You must admit that there are strong and credible opposing views.  Here is another example of a scientist who is skeptical of your view:  Click here.   I could go on and on.  The evidence against Darwinian evolution is huge.  You cannot ignore it. 

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