Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What is a "Creationist"?

Whenever a Darwinists, or any proponent of Darwinian evolution encounters a proponent of Intelligent Design (ID) they will quickly brand them as a "creationist."  They do not define what they mean by "creationist."  Click here for a detailed definition of what is referred to as "creationism." This is usually used as a way to dismiss the ID proponent as being a religious nut.   There are two big reasons why this is false:

1.  Darwinist will call an ID proponent a "creationist," meaning they are Bible thumpers that can be dismissed out of hand.  After all, the Bible is not science, so an ID person must be an anti-science person.  False.  First of all the Bible does not say that the earth was created in six literal days.  Those who believe in a literal interpretation of this are plainly mistaken.  The Bible says that one day is like a thousand days, for instance.  See 2 Peter 3:8 which states:  "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."  I've read over 30 books by ID proponents.  Not one has ever stated that he/she believes in creationism.  There are Christians who believe in creationism, meaning the the earth was created in six literal days, but I've never heard of one ID proponent claiming to be a creationist.  I'm not a creationist.  I believe that God created the universe but I also believe that science has shown the universe to be about 13.7 billion years old and the earth about 4.5 billions years old.  Even if you are a "creationist" how does that negate the evidence of ID?  If you brain surgeon is a creationist will this disqualify him from doing brain surgery?  When you disagree you must present evidence to nullify the other's evidence, not ad hominem attacks.

2. When Darwinist call an ID proponent a "creationist," they falsely assume this.  They believe that since you're not a Darwinist you must be a "creationist.  Again, this is a false charge not based on any knowledge of the accused person.

The Darwinist handle any opposition with ad hominem attacks; they try to slime you.  They do not present opposing evidence, they just call you names such as "creationist," anti-science and other hateful epithets.  A few years ago I attended a debate at Biola University in La Mirada, California where a Christian debated an atheist, William Lane Craig was the Christian and Peter Singer of Princeton University, the atheist.  Darwinist will never allow an ID person to step foot in a college campus.

If you're a science teacher, try mentioning any evidence against the Darwinian theory and see what happens.  You will be escorted out of the school and fired on the spot.  Is this academic freedom?  This is pure academic tyranny.  A few years ago a movie was released dealing with this issue and details what happened to scientists who dared say anything other than tow the Darwinian line.  Watch a trailer of this film here.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Way or the Highway: Why Opponents of ID Will Not Let Them Speak

On today's Michael Medved radio show he had a person on who represents the Freedom from Religion Foundation; an organization that  is against religion in the public square and in education.  They're suing a professor at Ball State University who dared to disagree with Darwin in one of his physics classes.  Now the very first question is why sue someone in court who disagrees with you on a scientific point?  Why not present the evidence against that view?  Perhaps they don't have any.  Why are Darwinist so threatened by Intelligent Design (ID)?  I believe they're petrified that their faith in Darwin is being destroyed. What happened to academic freedom?  The Freedom From Religion representative kept saying that ID has been debunked.  What?  Have you seen the list of prominent scientists who disagree with Darwin?  Click here to see it.  This is academic tyranny run amok.

The representative of this organization against religion in the public square kept calling Intelligent Design advocates, "creationists."  Now they never define what they mean by "creationist."  They use this as a epithet against anyone who disagrees with them.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  ID advocates make no such claim to be "creationists."  A creationist is one who believes that the earth was created about six thousand years ago.  This is based on a mis-reading of the Bible.  The Bible makes no such claim that the each was created in six thousand years.  Opponents of ID always refer to us as "creationists."  This is an outright lie but it is their favorite method of answering why they oppose ID.  Memo to Darwinists:  Ad hominem attacks does not offer any evidence against ID.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Believe or be Banned: The Intolerance of the Darwinists

Darwinian evolutionists have a stranglehold the science of evolution.  A skeptic of Darwinian evolution cannot exist in any public institution of higher learning, High School and beyond.  If a teacher ever says anything close to casting any doubt on Darwinian evolution he/she will be expelled forthwith.  The fine documentary film,  Expelleddocumented this well.

Now, I thought that science meant to follow the evidence wherever it leads.  Apparently not, when it comes to anyone challenging evolution.  Why is the science establishment so afraid of anyone who doubts or wants to look into anything other than the party line?  Could it be that they're not so sure, or better yet, they don't have the evidence?

I've been a Darwin skeptic since my first Anthropology class in college.  After reading Darwin's classic  The Origin of Species,  I suspected then that Darwin had jumped the sharks after he claimed that the beak change in Finches could be a sign of one species turning into another.  Nothing of the kind has ever happened.  I believed then and I still believe now that Darwin was a great scientist.  I believe that The Origin of Species deserves to be an all time classic;  it is.  Darwin, was an honest scientist.  He clearly stated that if what he proposed in this book did not turn out to be true, such as the fossil record, his theory would break down.  The fossil record is no better now than it was in 1859 when Darwin wrote The Origin of Species.  Where are the transitional forms?  They have not come up with a single one yet; evolutionists  will circle the wagons and dazzle you with their vacuous scientific jargon.  I have a simple question:  Show me the transitional forms?

Darwinian evolution is more blind faith than science.  Their definition of science is all the evidence that "we" allow and if you present anything else you will be eliminated.  Back to the fossil record.  Ask any Darwinian about the Cambrian Explosion and see what he says.  The Cambrian Explosion is a devastating rebuttal to gradual incremental change.  All the fossils found there were all fully formed; no transitional forms; no gradual incremental change.  Click here to watch this YouTube video about the Cambrian Explosion.  I'm convinced that Darwinian evolution has been the biggest fraud committed on science in history. Darwinians are the Bernie Madoff of science.  A house built on sand.

Most Darwinists will tell you that most scientists support Darwinian evolution.  In fact this is not true.  Click here for a list of hundreds of top scientists who dissent from Darwin.  The Darwinists will answer with ad hominem attacks; they will call you every name in the book but cannot prove their theory.  One of their favorite ad hominem attack is to call you a "creationist" or a religious zealot.  No, show me the transitional forms.  If you cannot prove your theory, calling people names will not do it.